How can you put into words the feeling of loss for a life-long friend?

I think this was all very important to him…


Daniel was born in Chicago, but wound up in Dallas where we became friends.

We were both “Heavy” and as a result we always seemed to be lumped together.

Daniel also thought much faster than he could talk. Many of our “Friends did not recognize his intelligence.

We were both “Good Kids!”

After we grew up:

Daniel and I used to go out for dinner once a month or so.

I would always listen to the goings on in his life.

We shared a lot, and for his trust I am thankful.

Sometimes I would drive him crazy with a random act of kindness to someone in the restaurant.

Daniel was always a great sport about it.


Daniel took many trips both alone and with his family.

I always loved hearing the stories about the places he had seen and his close friends abroad.

I think his favorite trips were with his Family. They went on many trips together.

I can still recall him describing a concert that his father took him to in Glasgow Scotland.

He also loved meeting college friends in Denver.

 There was a cruise or two as well, but he was very well travelled.

Daniel’s Work:

Daniel was trained in library science, and good at it.

My favorite one of his jobs was when was an archivist at the Dallas Jewish Historical Society.

He was under-appreciated, but he had a passion to save the writings from our Texas origins.


Daniel loved classical music!

He also had his dark side; I remember once going to see a PDQ-Bach concert with him.

We agreed to disagree on Music, but Opera was definitely one of his passions.


Daniel’s family was very special to him.

He felt a special bond of stewardship for his siblings.

To his parents he listened. He was a good listener.

There are times when he felt he was expected to do the impossible.

He always did his best, and in a kind caring way.

Whenever he would talk about his Niece and Nephew, he had this special smile reserved for them.

Best and worst thing I ever did for him:

Both answers are the same: I fixed him up with a girl that was a little too fast for his nature.

The Cancer:

Daniel had many bouts of tiredness, especially with the Chemo.

There was some pain, but mostly he had mostly tiredness and a struggle.

Daniel clung to his life very dearly.


The truth of the matter is that My Friend Daniel was a good man.

He is now heading for Heaven after 50 meager years on this world.

He valued Family, Patience and Hard Work.

He was blessed with a Kind and Gentle Heart.


Elton John put it simply: “Lord I miss Daniel, oh I miss him so much”


In Memory of Daniel Vaiser: August 14th 1962 - September 26th, 2012